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Yalukit Willam Nature Reserve Advisory Committee

The Yalukit Willam Nature Reserve Advisory Committee was established in 2022 and was constituted to enable community-wide oversight of the operation of Yalukit Willam Nature Reserve.

The objectives of the Committee are to support the operation and development of the Yalukit Willam Nature Reserve in accordance with the Reserve’s goals. The Committee will:

  • develop a Management Plan that details maintenance levels required across the Reserve
  • amend the Management Plan as and when required based on the performance of the Reserve and in consideration of relevant data and feedback
  • provide guidance on what to plant and where
  • provide guidance to the Plant Lab on what species to propagate
  • seek advice from the Plant Lab on matters regarding planting throughout the Reserve
  • support the Yalukit Willam Nature Association to continue their recording of (flora and fauna) present within the Reserve, including pest and domestic species
  • develop weed, pest and domestic animal management strategies
  • develop habitat enhancement strategies
  • develop activities to enhance public amenity, passive recreation and visitor experience
  • work with the Community to undertake data collection and record keeping to monitor Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) as appropriate
  • support suitable volunteer events
  • collate and provide feedback on observations of the Reserve in general
  • recommend changes (operational or capital) to Council that need to be made to ensure the Reserve functions
  • identify barriers that impact the Reserve’s ability to achieve its goals
  • discuss potential solutions (actions) to identified issues
  • assist in monitoring implementation.

The Committee will also provide input as a stakeholder to proposed future works that are required to implement outstanding actions from the Yalukit Willam Nature Reserve Masterplan.

The Yalukit Willam Nature Reserve Advisory Committee membership is appointed by Council and comprises 2 Councillors and up to 8 community-based and skills-based appointments. The current membership is: 

Cr Alex del Porto (Chair)
Cr Hanna El Mouallem

Community Members:
Ms Stephanie Convery
Ms Alicia Darvall
Mr Patrick Honan
Mr Stephen le Page
Mr Sam Murry
Ms April Seymore
Ms Alison Soutar
Dr Tricia Wevill