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Disability Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee

The Disability Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee was established in 2020 and was constituted for the purpose of providing advice and supporting Council in the development and implementation of the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021–25 (MPHWP) and to consider other strategic and infrastructure issues that may impact people with a disability.

The functions of the Committee are to provide advice and recommendations to Council on the following matters:

  • identifying issues of access to the built, social and natural environments
  • identifying barriers to inclusion in community and economic life in Bayside 
  • discussing potential solutions (actions) to identified issues
  • providing input and comment on the development of projects and programs for implementation of the Disability Action Plan 2021-25.

In addition, the DAIAC will also be available to provide specific advice from a disability perspective on nominated Council strategies, masterplans, programs and infrastructure priorities.

This Advisory Committee has no delegated powers.

Membership of the Committee consists of:

  • up to ten community members with lived experience of disability:
    • Ms Amanda Blohm
    • Ms Emily Costello
    • Mr Ade Djajamihardja
    • Ms Isabella Fantasia
    • Mr Mark Glascodine
    • Ms Jo Levett
    • Ms Emma Olivier
    • Mr Sam Seoud
    • Mr Andrew Turner
    • Ms Tara Webb
  • two Councillors:
    • Cr Clarke Martin (Chairperson)
    • Cr Jo Samuel-King