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  • Person signing form

    Don't be left out in the cold, check you're enrolled

    Eligible residents and ratepayers are urged to check they are enrolled to vote for the upcoming local council elections by 4 pm Wednesday 7 August.

  • Image of Community Space in Hurlingham Park

    How would you use a multi-purpose community space in Brighton East?

    We want to hear your ideas on the kinds of community services and groups that could utilise Bayside City Council’s existing building at Hurlingham Park.

  • ""

    OracleCMS incident: customers informed of data breach

    We have written to inform just over 4,000 customers that their data was subject to a cyber incident involving OracleCMS, our supplier of telephone customer service for waste and out-of-hours support. The leaked data was limited to customer names, addresses and preferred contact methods (phone/email).

  • Bright yellow flowers of the Heath Parrot-pea (Dillwynia glaberimma)

    Wander through the wildflowers

    Bayside’s budding botanists are in for a treat. After the long, cold winter, there is no greater springtime celebration of nature at its finest than meandering through some of the bushlands in Bayside on a Wildflower Wander.

  • Two women holding a garage sale

    Garage Sale Trail and the secondhand economy

    Last November, Bayside residents turned their unwanted items into cash during the annual Garage Sale Trail, generating more than $35,700 and extending the life of over 44,300 kilograms of pre-loved items, which would otherwise have gone to landfill.

  • Electrify Everything banner

    Electrify your cooking and save

    Did you know cooking makes up around 5% of the energy bill of an average Victorian home? With winter upon us and gas bills rising, now is the perfect time to consider an efficient induction cooktop.

  • Animated image of a person walking their dog at a sports ground at night time with the lights on. Kids in background playing on the oval.

    Amended times for Chisholm Reserve’s Lights on for Dogs program

    Community junior sport matches are scheduled at RG Chisholm Reserve in Sandringham with club access provided from 5pm to 9pm on Friday, 19 July and Friday, 9 August. The lights will be on for the sports club; however, dogs are not permitted on the sportsground during both scheduled evening sports sessions.

  • Open book with tea in front of fireplace

    EPA advice to prevent smoke pollution

    Learn about how you can protect yourself and the community from smoke pollution this winter.

  • Volunteer Karen and diner Denise having a chat.

    Home cooks are invited to join our feel good food program

    Cooking Connections is a meal sharing program in which volunteer cooks are matched with older Bayside residents who are finding cooking more difficult or may have few social connections.

  • Blue and white recycling truck collecting bins

    Cycling safety: don't crash into our trash

    During the darker winter mornings, road users are reminded to take more care as visibility on roads becomes challenging. Bayside City Council and our waste collection contractor, Cleanaway, would like to remind cyclists to take extra precaution when sharing roads whilst collection trucks are in operation.

  • Aerial view of Landcox Park

    Toilets out of use at Landcox Park

    The toilets and lighting are both currently out of service at Landcox Park following an act of vandalism on Friday 12 July. We are currently working to fix the toilets, but the significant damage caused will likely mean they are out of order for a number of weeks.

  • Electrify Everything banner

    Electrify your heating for cool savings

    Did you know heating and cooling makes up around 47% of the energy bill of an average Victorian home? With winter upon us and gas bills rising, now is the perfect time to consider an efficient electric reverse cycle air conditioner.