Help shape bus services in Bayside
Kinetic bus company, which operates approximately 50 bus routes across Melbourne including several services throughout Bayside, is seeking community feedback to enhance bus journeys.
Buses are a vital part of our transport network, covering thousands of kilometres of roads and providing access to shopping precincts, train stations, activity centres and health care. However, they currently attract fewer passengers than other forms of public transport.
We often hear members of the community sharing similar concerns about the bus services in Bayside, such as:
- Infrequent services
- Indirect routes
- Poor connection with rail services.
Without service improvements, these challenges can push residents towards car dependency, leading to increased road congestion and higher greenhouse gas emissions.
Our Integrated Transport Strategy 2018 – 2028 details our plans for improving transport accessibility and advocacy to the state government. Kinetic bus company is already taking steps to improve its services, trialling new technology for real-time service information. Now is your chance to share your input and help inform investment decisions about future service improvements.
Have your say by completing the confidential Kinetic Bus Survey. The survey is open until mid-December.Read more Bayside news