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Love Bayside Don’t Waste It Workshops

We're on a mission to reduce our community's waste habits, and we need your help. By learning to minimise waste in our everyday lives, we not only lessen our environmental impact but also conserve valuable resources. 

About the Workshops

Our series of low waste living workshops are designed to empower you with the knowledge and tools to lead a more sustainable lifestyle. Discover the benefits of waste avoidance and how simple actions can make a big difference. The workshops will be facilitated by Councils Circular Economy Program Officer and a sustainability educator The Urban Nanna

Why Focus on Waste Avoidance?

  • Preserve Natural Resources: Every item we avoid waste means more resources left untouched.
  • Reduce Environmental Impact: Less waste means less pollution.

Learn How to:

  • Say no to single-use items.
  • Incorporate reusable products into your daily life.
  • Make informed choices that lead to less waste.
  • Learn about the materials that can go in each of the Bayside kerbside bins, the basic rules of sorting waste and alternatives to landfill.

Upcoming Workshops

- Date: June 23rd June

- Time: 11:00am – 12:30pm

- Location: Sandringham Library - 8 Waltham Street, Sandringham 3191 (Multi-Purpose Room)

This free face-to-face workshop will take you through some of the simplest and most effective ways to ferment different types of foods. This is a fabulous session for people wanting to get into ‘homesteading’ or permaculture living, but who don’t have capacity to grow much of their own food just yet. Includes examples of differently fermented foods; a display of useful books and resources; and a hands-on element where you make your own ferment.

Click here to register