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Public holiday parking

It is always necessary to check the parking signs when parking. 

Whether a parking restriction applies on a public holiday depends on whether a day of the week is stated. 

Signs that apply on public holidays

If there is no day stated on the sign, then it applies every day, including on public holidays.

Signs also apply if "PUBLIC HOLIDAYS” are listed with the days.  

Some examples of signs that would apply on a public holiday are below: ​

Parking signs that apply on public holidays

Signs that do not apply on a public holiday

If a day of the week is stated on the parking sign (and it does not also say “PUBLIC HOLIDAYS”) that sign does not apply on a public holiday. 

Some examples of signs that would not apply on a public holiday are below:  

Parking signs that do not apply on a public holiday

Where the sign does not apply, there is no limit on parking. The Road Safety Road Rules 2017 Rule 318 explains this. 

Definition of public holidays

Public holidays are declared by the Victorian Government. In some cases where a public holiday falls on a weekend, the public holiday may be moved to a different day. Bayside has decided to apply the public holiday rules on both days in that case. 

For example, if Christmas were to fall on a Saturday, and the Monday was declared to be a public holiday in lieu, then we would consider both days to be public holidays and the above rules would apply. Other local government areas may apply different rules, so please only consider this interpretation within Bayside.