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  • Family watching a movie spilling popcorn.

    10 ideas to celebrate Mother’s day during COVID-19

    Mother’s Day is this weekend and even though a fancy dinner out or adventure may not be possible, there are still ways to show that you care. Whether you are sending your love from afar or spending another day together, here are just a few ideas on how to show your love and appreciation while staying at home in Bayside.

  • Ultrices posuere cubilia

    Milk to Meals: a short video guide to starting your baby on solids

    Bayside City Council's lovely maternal and child health nurses have been unable to host their regular face-to-face consultations and workshops due to COVID-19. In order to continue to support the community, we have filmed Val and Rose sharing their expertise in order to educate and guide new parents and carers who are introducing solid food to their babies.

  • Cooking at home.

    10 things to do while you stay at home

    Practising your social distancing from the comfort of your own home? Here is a list of suggested things to do in Bayside when you get tired of Netflix.

  • William Street Pavilion.

    William Street Reserve sports pavilion officially opened

    In a win for the sports community of Bayside, the renewed pavilion at William Street Reserve in Brighton was officially opened on 19 February 2020 and is ready to service sporting participants from across the region.

  • Image of members from Elsternwick Cricket Club.

    New pavilion at Elsternwick Park

    The new sports pavilion at Elsternwick Park Oval 2 was officially opened on 5 December 2019.

  • Cras ultricies ligula sed

    New pool & spa safety barrier regulations

    From 1 December, private pools and spas in Bayside must be registered with Council and comply with new Victorian safety barrier regulations.

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    New pavilion at Cheltenham Park

    The Cheltenham Park Pavilion was built at a cost of $2.4 million and took under 12 months to build.

  • Fox.

    Fox on the run

    Council is aware of reports of foxes in Elsternwick Park Nature Reserve. Council’s contractor, CityWide, visited the reserve last week and found no evidence of dens or savaged wildlife. This does not mean that foxes are not running through the reserve at night in search of food.

  • Plaque unveiled by Mayor.

    Castlefield Reserve Pavilion open

    The Mayor, Cr Michael Heffernan unveiled a plaque and officially opened the renewed Castlefield Reserve Pavilion in Ludstone Street, Hampton on Saturday 16 February.

  • Cras ultricies ligula sed

    Safe weeding

    Council has not used "Roundup", or products that contain glyphosate in or near playgrounds or kindergartens since 2016. All weeds in these areas are treated using steam.

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    Elsternwick Park Pavilion & Oval No.1 unveiled

    The new Elsternwick Park Oval No.1 Pavilion and upgraded Oval were officially opened yesterday, providing outstanding new facilities for community AFL and cricket in Bayside and the broader region.

  • Image of RG Chisholm Reserve Pavilion.

    New pavilion at Chisholm Reserve

    A new $2.6million sports pavilion at R.G. Chisholm Reserve in Sandringham will feature environmentally sensitive design and unisex change rooms to accommodate growing numbers of female footballers and cricketers.