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Young People of Bayside Art Exhibition 2024

This year’s theme for the Young People of Bayside Art Exhibition 2024 is 'How I see the World'.

Submit your artwork and have it showcased in a professional gallery setting for all Bayside locals to see. Whether you are a hobby artist or breaking it into the professional art scene, this could be a great opportunity for you to create the theme, show off your thoughts and skills, and for the audience to see the world through your eyes. 

Every young artist who displays work will be invited to the Young People of Bayside Art Awards Celebration Evening and receive a certificate from council. Artists could also be selected to receive one of eight awards for their artwork:

  • 10 - 13 year old category: winner and runner up
  • 14 - 17 year old category: winner and runner up
  • 18 - 25 year old category: winner and runner up
  • Community Choice Award (online votes from the community)
  • FReeZA Committee Choice Award (judged by young people in the FReeZA committee)


Open to young people aged between 10 and 25 who have a connection to Bayside (live, work, school, study, recreate). Artists may enter one piece of art. 

Important Dates

Monday 27 May - Monday 8 July Online registration of artwork 
Friday 12 July - Friday 19 July Artwork drop-off period at Bayside City Council
Monday 29 July - Thursday 10 October Exhibition dates
Thursday 10 October Celebration evening
Friday 11 October - Tuesday 15 October Artwork collection

View past winners:

2023 Young People of Bayside Art Exhibition winners

2022 Young People of Bayside Art Exhibition winners

2021 Young People of Bayside Art Exhibition winners

2020 Young People of Bayside Art Exhibition winners

The Young People of Bayside Art Exhibition is a FReeZA event. FReeZA is a Victorian Government initiative that supports young Victorians to get involved in their community by planning and running drug, alcohol, vape and smoke free music and cultural events for other young people.

Boombox FReeZa Victorian Government Bayside Youth Services Bayside City Council logos

Subscribe to the Youth Services monthly newsletter to keep up to date with events and programs in Bayside


Register your art for the exhibition

Artwork details
* Image naming conventions; include your name and artwork name in the filename e.g Vincent van Gogh - Starry Nights

Allowed file upload: one file only
File must be less than 30 MB
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png bmp eps tif pict psd txt rtf html odf pdf doc docx ppt pptx xls xlsx xml avi mov mp3 mp4 ogg wav bz2 dmg gz jar rar sit svg tar zip
Total upload limit per form is 30 MB

Who is submitting this art work?
Are you under 18?
Please provide parent/carer/guardian details:
Artist's details
On 29 July
Your connection to Bayside? Select all that apply:
Which school / uni / TAFE?
Submitting on behalf of someone else
Submission details
Will your artwork be ready to be displayed when it is delivered to Bayside City Council?
 I authorise Bayside City Council to take photos of my artwork. Photos might be reproduced for promotional purposes for this event including print and digital formats.
Terms and Conditions

Young People of Bayside Art Awards 2024 - Terms and Conditions

Participation in the Bayside City Council Young People of Bayside Art Exhibition / Awards is subject to the following terms and conditions:

1. All information provided on how to enter the Exhibition and each award available to each winner, forms part of these Terms and Conditions. By submitting an entry into the Exhibition, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. Only entries that comply with these Terms and Conditions will be considered valid and eligible to win an award.

2. The organiser of this Exhibition / Award is BAYSIDE CITY COUNCIL – YOUTH SERVICES ABN 65 486 719 651of 76 Royal Avenue, Sandringham, Victoria 3191 (Council), and Boombox Events / FReeZA Committee.


  • Submissions open 27/5/24 and ends at 8/7/24.
  • Artwork drop off period at Bayside City Council, 76 Royal Parade, Sandringham, from 12/7/24 until 19/7/24, during business hours.
  • Exhibition dates 29/8/24 – 10/10/24, during business hours.
  • Celebration evening 10/10/24.
  • Artwork collection 11/10/24 - 16/10/24, during business hours.

*Business hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30am – 5:00pm

Artwork must be named with the artists name, phone number name of artwork, age category, and registered during the registration period and delivered by hand to Bayside City Council reception to be included in the exhibition / awards.

Artwork will be categorised by age of the artist:

  • 10 – 13 years old
  • 14 – 17 years old
  • 18 – 25 years old

Judging panel: judging the age category awards

FReeZa Committee Award: judged by the FReeZa committee. 

Community Choice Award: judged by the community.

You are eligible to enter the Competition if you are:

  • A person aged 10 – 25 years old (inclusive)
  • Lives, works, schools, studies or recreates within Bayside City Council area.
  • Not an Ineligible Person

Ineligible Person means any director, manager, or employee of Council.

Participants may be disqualified from the exhibition / awards if entering into an incorrect age category. 

The art exhibition and awards celebration is facilitated by Bayside City Council Youth Services and Bayside FReeZA committee - BOOMbox events. 

Bayside Youth Services

9599 4622



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