Rates valuation enquiry
What is this form for?
You can use this form to submit an enquiry about your valuation from your latest Valuation & Rate notice. We are unable to review valuations from previous years.
This form is not an official objection to your valuation. However, it is advised that you make an enquiry first to understand any changes to your valuation. You can use the below form or call our Revenue Department on (03) 9599 4444.
If you still disagree with the value of your property, as listed on your rate notice, you can lodge a formal objection (in accordance with the Valuation of Land Act 1960).
Please be aware, formal objections must be submitted 60 days after the issue date on your notice.
How is my rates valuation set?
The Valuer-General Victoria is responsible for valuations which set your rates, fire services levy and land tax.
These valuations are now undertaken annually to more accurately reflect changes to your property values. Prior to 2019, valuations were completed every two years.
Valuations are effective as of the 1st January every year and supplied to us to set the rates and charges for your property.
Find out about how your rates are calculated
Are you requiring valuation information?
If so then you will need to use our request for historical valuation information.