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Quick Response Grants

Quick Response Grants build individual and community capacity by giving community groups the opportunity to apply for grants required at short notice to help them achieve their goals or respond to crisis.

Quick Response Grants are open for applications year round and are guided by each individual grant program guidelines.

All applications are assessed on an individual basis and will be determined in accordance with the assessment criteria outlined in the Grants Policy and each individual grant program guidelines (see more information below).

Quick Response Grants are available year round however close for a short period mid-end June in preparation for the end of the financial year.

All applying organisations are encouraged to discuss their project idea with Bayside's Community and Social Planner on 9599 4787 or available 8am to 4pm Monday to Friday.

Events and Festivals

Small grants of up to $1,000 are available for Bayside events and festivals run by community groups for the benefit of the Bayside community.  All applications should identify a need and outline the benefit to the Bayside community.  

Council encourages innovative events and festival applications.  Events can be run in person or online, taking into consideration current government restrictions and social distancing requirements relating to the COVID-19 pandemic prior to planning and submitting an application.  Information can be found at the Coronavirus Victoria website

Please refer to the Events and Festivals grant guidelines for further information. 

Apply for an events and festivals grant

A New Program or Community Initiative

Funding is available to not-for-profit groups for new programs that:

  • address an emerging or unexpected community need; and
  • where an action is time critical.

Funding may also be used to support the delivery of relief and recovery activities which address community needs resulting from community wide emergencies. All applications will be considered and assessed on an individual basis. All applications should identify a need and outline the benefit to the Bayside community. Generally, no more than $5,000 is provided per program.  

Please refer to the New Program or Community Initiative grant guidelines for further information.

Apply for a new program or community initiative grant

Inclusive Bayside Partnerships 

Grants of up to $5,000 are available for initiatives by community organisations, sports clubs and not for profit groups that encourage greater participation and inclusion of people with a disability in Bayside.  Funding can support: 

  • delivery of programs, events or purchase equipment to ensure the inclusion of people with a disability.
  • to foster partnerships between community organisations within Bayside

All applying organisations are encouraged to discuss their project idea with Bayside's Inclusion Officer on 9599 4871 or available 8am to 4pm Monday to Friday.

Please refer to the Inclusive Bayside Partnership grant guidelines for further information. 

Apply for an inclusive Bayside partnership grant

Bayside Climate Emergency 

The Bayside Climate Emergency Grants provide funding of up to $5,000 for activities, events, projects, and programs which support and enable action to address the Climate Emergency in Bayside and the reduction of greenhouse gas emission levels in alignment with the themes of the Climate Emergency Action Plan 2020-2025.

Please refer to the Bayside Climate Emergency grant guidelines for further information. 

All applying organisations are encouraged to discuss their project idea with Bayside's 9599 4495 or email available 8am to 4pm Monday to Friday.

Apply for a climate emergency grant

Individual Inclusion and Participation  

Funding is available to individuals experiencing financial hardship to support participation in community life and improving personal outcomes through sustainable change. These may include but are not limited to:

  • Social support: providing support for an individual to remain socially connected through membership to social activities such as sporting clubs, social groups and programs.
  • Pursuing educational opportunities that would assist an individual to gain employment or improve life skills (not including educational fees).
  • Other needs assessed on an individual basis.  Requests for items that are covered by state or federal government grants, subsidy programs or local crisis relief programs will not be considered.

Applications for assistance up to $500 per individual per financial year will be considered.  Applications must be made by a community service agency and will be assessed on an individual basis. 

Please refer to the Individual Inclusion and Participation grant guidelines for further information.

 Apply for an individual inclusion and participation grant

Donations to Fundraising Appeals

Where relevant and appropriate, donations to fundraising appeals and major national or international issues will be considered and assessed on an individual basis. Funding will only be provided to organisations with approved charitable status. All applications should identify a need and outline the benefit to the Bayside community. Applications for fundraising events will be referred to the Events and Festivals stream.  

Please refer to the Donations to Fundraising Appeals grant guidelines for further information.

Apply for a donation to fundraising appeal grant

Do you have a question about making a submission?

Please contact Bayside's Community and Social Planner on 9599 4787 or available 8am to 4pm Monday to Friday.

For online and technical support with making a grant application, the grants platform provider Smartygrants is available during business hours on 9320 6888 or