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Young Baysiders shine bright

We’ve known for a while that young Sam Higgins is a legend – but now the rest of Victoria knows too.

Sam – Bayside’s Young Citizen of the Year 2021 – has been declared the Young Legends winner at Keep Victoria Beautiful Sustainable Cities Awards.

Sam has a passionate belief that kids with a disability should be able to do whatever they want to do.

His confidence grew when he received an electric trike from the Dylan Alcott Foundation in 2020 and began exploring his neighbourhood.

Last year he won ABC TakeOver Melbourne, a story-telling competition which allowed Sam to tell this story, in his words.

The Trike that Stops the Nation is a series of six digital interviews, with Sam talking to other young people with disabilities.

Sam was awarded the Young Bayside Citizen of the Year, for being a great role model to other children and young people.


Applause for Bayside schools


Sam isn’t the only young Baysider to be recognised at the Keep Victoria Beautiful Sustainable Cities Awards.

St James Catholic Primary School Brighton was a recipient of $1000 from the Keep Victoria Beautiful Gift Fund for its ‘Growing Excitement about Sustainability’ project and a finalist in the Education category.

two scarecrow in garden

The recent Victorian School Garden Awards also saw St James Catholic Primary School Brighton take home the ’Most Engaging for Play’ Award.

Sandringham College won the ‘Best School Garden exhibiting Biodiversity’ Award. Council assisted the College with a grant to develop their ‘Seven Seasons’ indigenous garden.

Beaumaris Primary School featured recently at the Kids Teaching Kids Festival, presenting their ‘Drains to the Bay’ project. Firbank Grammar School and Cheltenham Primary School also presented to other young sustainability leaders.