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We need funding for a local warm water pool

In the lead up to the 2022 Victorian election we are calling for state government funding for our proposed warm water pool.

There are many proven benefits of regular warm water exercise for all ages, but particularly for older people and people with a disability. 

Bayside’s population is aging, with an increasing percentage of older residents and those with a disability, obesity, or health conditions. High participation in sport and rehabilitation after injury; as well as strong demand for younger children’s swimming lessons supports the need for a warm water pool. Our community does not currently have access to a warm water pool locally.

Our advocacy leading into the 2022 Victorian election is focused on priorities that support the aspirations of the Bayside 2050 Community Vision and actions in the Council Plan 2021-2025.  

Why it is important for Bayside

We are seeking $5 million from the Victorian Government towards an environmentally sustainable warm water pool to complement Council’s $12 million investment.

A new local warm water pool would improve access to gentle exercise facilities for older residents as well as a range of other users. The pool would supply local rehabilitation and allied health services, aiding residents to regain and maintain mobility, confidence and health after injury.

In keeping with Council’s Climate Emergency Action Plan, the warm water pool would have a carbon neutral footprint. The facility includes many efficient energy management features with renewable energy, water recycling and structural design details to ensure the integrity of the building’s thermal envelope.

We recently completed community feedback on the proposal to build a warm water pool at Brighton Golf Course. Find out more

Find out more on our advocacy priorities leading into the 2022 Victorian election.

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