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Pétanque is coming to Dendy Park

Silver petanque balls surrounding the target ball on a gravel petanque piste.

We’re installing a new free-to-use pétanque court, with 4 pistes, near the Dacey Street corner of Dendy Park. The pistes will increase the opportunity for accessible, passive, all-abilities outdoor recreation. Located close to existing public toilets and amenities, the courts are easily accessible via the existing carparks and pathways. 

Pétanque is a social sport enjoyed by communities around the world. It promotes connection, fun and inclusivity, and provides physical and mental health outcomes for a broad range of the community.

The project aligns to Bayside City Council’s Recreation Strategy action to improve passive play in municipal open spaces. Pétanque also emerged as a popular theme in the draft 2023-24 annual budget community engagement. Council supported the development of a pétanque court and allocated budget for the project in the 2023-24 capital works program. 

Works are commencing mid-June 2024, for up to 3 weeks, during normal building hours weather permitting. For more information visit the project page.

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