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Join our community panel and make your voice heard

We're forming a community panel and we need your voice to make it truly representative and impactful. 

This is your chance to play a vital role in shaping the future of Bayside. Our community panel will discuss, debate and deliberate on key issues and plans, providing insights and opinions to guide important decisions.

Following Victoria’s local government elections in October 2024, Bayside will swear in a new Council. The first major responsibility will be to develop the Council Plan 2025 – 2029 and review the Financial, Asset, and Municipal Health and Wellbeing plans, with help from our community panel.

These plans ensure Council makes the most of funds collected through rates by appropriately managing our assets including roads, drains, footpaths, buildings, and open space, and providing community support and services.

We are looking for nominations from people who represent all ages, backgrounds, and Bayside suburbs to join our community panel. From these nominations, 40 will be independently and randomly selected to represent our community. 

Local resident Tracey said she got a greater understanding of Council’s impact by participating on the panel in 2021.

“I feel Bayside is a progressive Council by asking the community and I’m proud to be part of a community that does ask,” said Tracey.

The panel will be briefed by Councillors, staff and external experts and small group discussions will be guided by independent facilitators to make sure everyone feels supported and heard.

The Community Panel will meet for eight scheduled sessions between February and May 2025. Panellists will be paid $750 to support their participation. 

If you are interested, nominations open on 5 August and you have until 10 November 2024 to complete the nomination form. 

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