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A conversation with Jess Kease on her wildlife mural at Banksia Reserve

A new addition to Bayside’s growing collection of public art murals has emerged on the water tanks at Banksia Reserve.

The final design by artist Jessica Kease was selected by a panel of members from the Bayside Arts and Gallery Advisory Committee and staff from Bayside City Council’s Open Space and Arts and Culture units.

It depicts two species of birds often seen locally in Bayside – the Eastern Spinebill and Rainbow Lorikeet. Of her design, Jessica said: “I liked the idea of the background blending into the surrounding landscape with the birds being the pop of colour that catch your eye. I felt like this design would fit perfectly and specifically chose the birds that are native to the area.”

The water tanks are located at Banksia Reserve in Beaumaris and can be seen adjacent to the pavilion near the tennis courts – best accessed from Tramway Parade.

We caught up with Jess to find out more about the process of creating the beautiful mural