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Prehistoric Bayside

An exhibition piecing together Bayside’s prehistoric past one discovery at a time…

Bayside is home to one of the most important fossil areas in all of Australia, dating back roughly 5-6 million years. From giant Killer Sperm Whales that ate other whales, to monstrous sharks half as long as a basketball court, Prehistoric Bayside showcases the tumultuous lives of these bizarre beasts, displaying this groundbreaking fossil material for the first time. These fossils were found with the help of numerous citizen scientists, whose contributions are helping us piece together this ancient landscape, one discovery at a time.

Prehistoric Bayside, curated by palaeontologist Ben Francischelli, is a family friendly exhibition proudly presented by Bayside Gallery.

“Curating this exhibition has been a huge collaborative effort involving other palaeontologists, artists, 
teachers, technicians, and of course Bayside Gallery to achieve results that simply beggar belief,” 
Ben said.

Fossils discovered around Bayside provide critical evidence for understanding the evolution of numerous animal groups, especially sharks and whales. It is the first time this ground-breaking material has ever been on public display. “These fossils document the progression of Australian life at a critical stage in earth’s history between two major geological periods, helping us understand the mechanisms of evolutionary change,” Ben said.

Supporting the free exhibition will be a series of talks by pre-imminent palaeontologists, a range of school holiday activities and free events. A Fossils Roadshow will be held for you to share and learn about fossil findings. Come along and find out how to become a citizen scientist and contribute to our ongoing journey of discovery.

Don’t miss out on these unforgettable opportunities to explore, learn, and be amazed by Bayside’s prehistoric past.

Read more about the exhibition here

You can visit the exhibition from 29 June to 25 August. 

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