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Food and green waste

Weekly food and green waste

Since 2019, people in Bayside have been able to recycle their food scraps by placing them into the food and green waste bin with the light-green lid. There are now 86% of residents doing this!

These scraps (along with garden waste) get recycled into high-quality compost used by Victorian farmers, rather than being sent to landfill where the material decomposes and releases methane (a damaging greenhouse gas) into the atmosphere.  

By recycling food scraps over the past four years, our community has been able to increase the amount of waste diverted from landfill to 71%. This is a great achievement, but we know we can do more! Over the next three years, we want to increase this target to 75% of waste diverted from landfill.

Register for food and green waste

See also

What will I receive?

We'll also provide a handy caddy (mini bin) for your kitchen, compostable bags (made from corn starch) and an information pack to help you get started. Your caddy and bags may be delivered at a different time to when your lid is changed.

Where can I purchase more bags?

We have compostable bags available for purchase at the Bayside City Council Corporate Centre (76 Royal Avenue, Sandringham) and at all Council libraries

Please remember that the bags must be compostable, labelled with the AS 4736 logo. Biodegradable and plastic bags cannot go in the food and green waste bin as they will not break down during the composting process.

Please note: if you do not wish to use any bags to contain the food, the food can still be thrown into the bin freely without the use of the bags or newspaper. 

Seedling logo - AS4736 Australian Standard Certified Compostable

Won't the bin smell?

Just like in your garbage bin, food waste odours will naturally increase during the warmer weather. However, there are various ways to reduce the smell.

Tips to reduce odours:

  • Put food waste in a compostable bag or wrapped in newspaper. Try alternating layers of food waste and garden waste like lawn clippings or dry leaves.
  • Wrap up food waste like prawn shells, seafood and uncooked meat scraps and store them in the freezer until closer to collection day.
  • Store your bins in a shady, flat and well-ventilated area.
  • Rinse your bins from time-to-time, and always keep the lid closed.
  • Sprinkle some bicarb soda in the bin to neutralize smells.

Want a food and green waste bin?

If you don't already have a food and green waste bin then you can register for the service via the link below.

Order your bin today

Your new bin will be delivered to you for a one-off cost of $99 and come with a kitchen caddy, a 150-bag roll of compostable bags, and some information to help you get started.