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Report a public tree issue

Let us know about fallen, overhanging or dangerous branches, or request a public tree pruning inspection

If the issue presents an immediate safety risk to the public then please call us on (03) 9599 4444.

Our street and park trees are regularly inspected, but sometimes environmental factors can impact trees between scheduled checks.

You can use the below form to report an issue with a tree on public land. For trees on private property, click here to find out if you need a permit.

Use this public tree request form to tell us:

  • A public tree requires inspecting for pruning
  • A public tree requires inspecting for tree health reasons
  • Report fallen branches from a public tree
  • Report dangerous or overhanging branches on a public tree
  • Request an update on an outstanding request relating to a public tree

We will only prune public trees outside of the programmed maintenance schedule for the following reasons: 

  • Blocking or limiting access to vehicles and pedestrians
  • Requiring clearance to overhead electrical equipment
  • Insufficient sight line clearance for signs, crossovers and traffic lights
Is this tree on public or private property?
What would you like to do?

Council will consider pruning a tree for the following reasons. Please select one of the following:

Which grounds are you making a request under?
Please select one of the following

Requests for an out-of-schedule inspection request will only be considered on the above grounds.

Public tree information
Is the tree/s on nature strip?
Search for the Bayside address
Type out the address
Is the tree located in a park or on the foreshore?
E.g. In Elsternwick Park near the tennis courts.
Would you like to upload photos of the tree or fallen branches?
How many images would you like to upload?

Allowed file upload: one file only
File must be less than 30 MB
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png
Total upload limit per form is 30 MB

Allowed file upload: one file only
File must be less than 30 MB
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg pnggif jpg jpeg png pdf doc docx
Total upload limit per form is 30 MB

Allowed file upload: one file only
File must be less than 30 MB
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg pnggif jpg jpeg png pdf doc docx
Total upload limit per form is 30 MB

Allowed file upload: one file only
File must be less than 30 MB
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg pnggif jpg jpeg png pdf doc docx
Total upload limit per form is 30 MB

This will have been emailed to you when you submitted your initial request.
Your details

Please be aware that if you remain anonymous then we might not be able to complete your request if further information is required.