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Apply for a Local Law tree pruning or removal permit

We are committed to protecting Bayside's tree canopy and removal of a tree should only be considered as a last option.


To remove a tree a Local Law permit will be required if:

  • the tree has a single or combined trunk circumference greater than 155cm measured at 1m above ground level. If the tree has several trunks, the 4 largest trunks circumferences should be added together; or
  • the tree is planted in accordance with the replacement planting condition of a Local Law permit; or
  • the tree is listed on our Significant Tree Register.

For tree removals, you will need to provide a reason and supporting evidence. Please refer to the Local Law guidelines below for further information. 

The Local Law guidelines are used to assess tree removal applications. The considerations are:

  • Whether a Building Permit has been granted necessitating removal of a protected tree.
  • Verifiable evidence of structural damage to a building, services or infrastructure which can only. be overcome by implementing a remedy that is unreasonable or greatly disproportionate to the amenity value of the tree.
  • Tree risk assessment (intolerable risk = permit to remove granted).
  • Tree retention value (low = permit to remove granted).
  • The useful life expectancy of the tree as defined in Appendix 5 of Council’s Tree Habitat Value Assessment Matrix (Less than three years = permit to remove granted).
  • The habitat value of the tree as determined by based on the Tree Habitat Value Assessment Matrix.
  • Evidence from Council staff indicating the tree has a detrimental impact on surrounding environment or public health.
  • Special circumstances including medical conditions, disability, access safety or financial hardship, where there is no other reasonably practicable way to manage issues directly related to the tree; following referral to the Manager Community Care or responsible delegate to determine if assistance or supports are available, reasonable, and proportionate.


In most circumstances you do not need a permit to prune a tree or vegetation on your private property. Pruning of trees are preferable to removal, where possible.

A tree pruning permit is not required if;

  1. The pruning is carried out by a qualified* arborist in line with Australian Standard 4373-2007 Pruning of Amenity Trees. Check with your arborist that the pruning required is in line with these standards before works begin and ensure that the arborist is appropriately qualified* in line with Council's requirements.
  2. Photographs taken before and after pruning.
  3. The qualified* arborist who conducts the pruning provides you with certification stating that they have done the works according to the Australian Standard 4373-2007 Pruning of Amenity Trees.   

A Local Law permit may be required if the tree is of particular size, planting condition or significance and a qualified* arborist is not doing the work.

*Arborist must have a minimum qualification certificate IV arboriculture for pruning roots or certificate III for pruning above ground part of tree.

To complete this form you will need

The provisions of clause 21 of the Local Law will be administered in accordance with these Guidelines. In determining whether a tree is a protected under the Local Law, whether a tree-protection offence has occurred and/or whether to issue a permit for removal or pruning of a tree, the Authorised Officer or Delegated Officer must have regard to the following matters:

(1) When measuring whether or not the single or combined tree trunk circumference is 155 centimetres or more at one metre above ground level, the instrument used for measuring the trunk circumference or combined trunk circumference should be placed at a 90 degree angle to the growth direction of the trunk;

(2) Any tree is exempt from protection if it is of a species which is a declared noxious weed species;

(3) In an emergency, any tree that is an immediate threat to life and or property may be removed without a permit;

(4) A permit for pruning is not required if the pruning is to be carried out by a qualified arborist, in accordance with Australian Standard No.4373. 2007Pruning of Amenity Trees, who certifies his or her work and provides photographs before and after the work; Permit Application Considerations: Note: An objective of Council’s Urban Forest Strategy seeks to ensure we maintain our existing canopy cover across the Bayside municipality and avoid further decline. When assessing a permit application to remove, cut, trim, lop or prune a protected tree or significant tree, the following must be taken into consideration:

(5) Whether a building permit has been issued under the Building Control Act 10 Local Law Guidelines, Neighbourhood Amenity Local Law 2021 [8115544: 29444403_1] 1993 and the permitted building(s) and/or construction works: (a) are located in such a position that the subject tree is within the envelope of the permitted buildings or works; (b) encroach on the tree protection zone of an existing tree by more than 40%; or (c) encroach on the structural root zone of an existing tree.

(6) Verifiable evidence of structural damage to a building, services or infrastructure which can only be overcome by implementing a remedy that is unreasonable or greatly disproportionate to the amenity value of the tree;

(7) Tree risk assessment using an industry standard tree risk assessment methodology undertaken by a minimum AQF Level 5 arborist or equivalent, who is formally trained in a tree risk assessment method and holds a current qualification or licence from that training;

(8) The retention value of the tree as defined in Appendix 5 of Council’s Landscape Guidelines;

(9) The useful life expectancy of the tree as defined in Appendix 5 of Council’s Landscape Guidelines;

(10) The habitat value of the tree;

(11) Evidence from Council staff indicating the tree has a detrimental impact on the surrounding environment or public health;

(12) Special circumstances including medical conditions, disability, access safety or financial hardship, where there is no other reasonably practicable way to manage issues directly related to the tree; following referral to the Manager Community Care or responsible delegate to determine if assistance or supports are available, reasonable and proportionate.

(13) Any permit granted may contain a condition stipulating that upon removal of a tree, one or more new trees, which may also include suitable middle-story or under-story planting where appropriate, must be planted and maintained to Council’s satisfaction in accordance with Council’s Landscape Guidelines and area Precinct Plan, or as otherwise required by the permit.

  • Review the Remove or prune trees/vegetation on private property guidelines
  • A diagram showing the location of the tree/s proposed for pruning/removal in relation to key features such as house, garage, driveway etc. Please ensure you label the trees on the diagram with numbers, for example tree 1, tree 2.
  • For tree removal, if you are not the owner of the property, a signed owner notification form.
  • A Visa or Mastercard
  • Understand that the fee is a non-refundable administration fee.

Supporting documentation

Information that will be required includes:

  • A diagram showing the location of the tree/s proposed for pruning/removal in relation to key features such as house/garage/driveway etc.
  • Owner consent form if you are not the owner of the property.

Depending on the reason for your application you may choose to submit one or more of the following:

  • Report from a qualified arborist including a risk assessment utilising a recognised method or complete of our quantified tree risk assessment data sheet linked at the top of this form.
  • A report from a licensed and / or qualified person in their field, (eg plumber, engineer, architect, builder)
  • A copy of Building permit
  • A copy of Medical certificate
  • Applicable evidence
Bayside address where works are taking place
Enter your address manually
Is there a Planning Permit relevant to the property that includes tree protection?


You have told us your trees are protected by a Planning Permit. Please call our Planning department on (03) 9599 4666.

To find out more, please read about tree or vegetation removal permits.

Are any of the trees native to Australia?

Finding out if the tree is native to Australia

If you have already obtained a quote from a tree contractor, they may be able to advise you.

You can take a sample or images to a local nursery or you could email Council and we will try to identify them for you.

Please email with images of the tree that show:

  • The tree;
  • Close up of leaves;
  • Flowers (if in season); and
  • Bark on trunk.

We'll endeavour to provide you with an answer as soon as possible, but please allow for 10 business days for us to respond to your email request.

Is the property within a Vegetation Protection Overlay (VPO) area?

Planning Permit is required

You have told us that a tree is an Australian native and the property is in a VPO area.

Vegetation, including trees, in a VPO area greater than 2m in height & with a trunk circumference greater than 50cm at 1m above ground level, are protected by the Bayside Planning Scheme.

For Australian native vegetation in a VPO area, you will need to complete the following form:

Apply online:

Additional resources:

For more advice contact the Bayside City Council Planning Department on 9599 4666.

For any non-native trees, you can still complete the below form.

VPO location look up

Please enter the address where the tree is located into our interactive map.

This map will open in a new window, so you will need to return to this form to complete your submission.

Applicant details
Postal Address
Is an appointment required for access to the tree?
Appointment Access Contact Details
Please select appropriate option/s. I need to:
Pruning permit application
Are you pruning a neighbour's tree?
You will need tree owner's authorisation.

Please have the property owner complete the authorisation letter below;


Removal permit application
Are you the owner of the property where the tree/s are located?
You will need tree owner's authorisation.

Please have the property owner complete the authorisation letter below;

Reason for application
As you are applying for tree removal, please submit list of proposed replacement tree/s.

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Please submit list of trees to be removed and/or pruned.
Please list trees - e.g. 
Tree 1 - PRUNE - Quercus robur - Common Oak
Tree 2 - REMOVE - Eucalyptus camaldulensis - Red Gum
Tree 3 - REMOVE - Syzygrum smithii - Lillypilly

Location diagram of proposed removal/pruning of trees on property

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Total upload limit per form is 30 MB

How many trees do you need pruned and/or removed?

I consent to this application for a Local Law permit and I hereby authorise Council Officers to enter my property at the above address for the purpose of assessing trees described in this application. Bayside City Council and its officers will not be held liable for any property, financial loss or personal injury as a result of the issue or non-issue of a permit in relation to this application. Additionally, I understand that the fee paid is a non-refundable administration fee.
Removal Cost
Additional Tree Removal Cost
Pruning Cost
Additional Tree Pruning Cost
Additional Tree Pruning Cost
Products / Services
Local law tree permit payment
Credit Card Information This payment form accepts Visa and Mastercard

Please note that your payment may not be updated on your account until the following business day and that Visa, MasterCard (0.755%) or American Express (0.62%) card payments will be subject to a surcharge.

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