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Object to or support the granting of a planning permit

For Victorian applications

Please be sure that the application you are objecting to or support is in the Victorian municipality of Bayside.

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Please be aware that the COVID-19 Omnibus (Emergency Measures) Bill 2020 and the Planning and Environment Amendment Act 2021 have made significant change to the Planning and Environment Act 1987. Copies of submissions can be made available for online inspection. If your submission is made available online, all personal information will be removed. The submission will be made available to assist in the consideration of the planning permit process. Once a decision is made on the application, any submission available online will be removed from the website.

Permits for multiple addresses

Please select 'Enter address/es manually' if your submission relates to a planning permit spanning multiple properties.

Making an effective submission

Read our guide to make an effective submission

Details of objection or support

e.g. 5/2017/123/1
Are you objecting to or supporting this application?
Search for Bayside address of land*
Start typing and select from list, e.g. 1/123 Street Name, Suburb
Enter address/es manually
Your details
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Your PO Box address
Second objector/support details
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Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png txt rtf pdf doc docx zip
Total upload limit per form is 30 MB

  1. This form is to help you make an objection to an application in a way which complies with the Planning and Environment Act 1987, and which can be readily understood by the Responsible Authority. There is no requirement under the Act that you use any particular form. 
  2. Make sure you clearly understand what is proposed before you make an objection. 
  3. You should inspect the advertising material available on our website. Whilst the COVID-19 Omnibus (Emergency Measures) are in place, all advertising material will be uploaded to Council’s Planning Register for the purpose of consideration as part of the planning permit process. The register and any uploaded plans or documentation can be viewed at any time.
  4. An objection must:
    • state the reasons for your objection; and
    • state how you would be affected if a permit is granted.
  5. The Responsible Authority may reject an objection which it considers has been made primarily to secure or maintain a direct or indirect commercial advantage for the objector. In this case, the Act applies as if the objection had not been made.
  6. Any person may inspect an objection and request that a copy of an objection is provided to them  Whilst the COVID-19 Omnibus (Emergency Measures) are in place, your objection (excluding all personal information) will be uploaded to Council’s Planning Register for the purpose of consideration as part of the planning permit process.  Once a decision is made on the application, your objection will be removed from the website.
  7. If your objection relates to an effect on property other than at your address as shown on this form give details of that property and of your interest in it.
  8. The Responsible Authority advises objectors in writing of its determination.
  9. If, despite your objection, the Responsible Authority decides to grant a permit, you may appeal against the decision. Details of the appeal procedures are set out on the back of the determination document which you will receive. An appeal must be made on a prescribed from (obtainable from the Victorian Administrative Appeals Tribunal Tel: 9628 9777) and accompanied by the prescribed fee. A copy must be given to the Responsible Authority. The closing date for appeals is 28 days from the date the Responsible Authority gives notice of its decision.
  10. If the Responsible Authority refuses the application, the applicant may appeal. The provisions for such an appeal are set out on the Refusal of Planning Application which will be issued at that time.

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