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C186bays - Implementation of Bayside Urban Forest Strategy 2022

Planning Scheme Amendment C186bays implements the objectives of Council’s adopted Urban Forest Strategy 2022 into the Bayside Planning Scheme. The Urban Forest Strategy 2022 aims to improve Bayside’s urban environment and respond to the effects of climate change through the planting and protection of trees. The amendment embeds the objectives of the Bayside Urban Forest Strategy into the Bayside Planning Scheme. 

About Amendment C186bays

The Amendment has updated the Bayside Planning Scheme by:

  • Introducing the Bayside Urban Forest Strategy as a Background Document listed in Clause 72.08
  • Adding references to the Bayside Urban Forest Strategy within the Municipal Planning Strategy and Planning Policy Framework.

These changes provide strategic direction for better urban forest outcomes within Bayside. Council officers are continuing to progress further work to strengthen the urban forest outcomes within the Bayside Planning Scheme by:

  • The rezoning of the Highett Grassy Woodland, which is awaiting approval by the Minister for Planning 
  • Increasing protection of Significant Trees by introducing a new Schedule within the Environmental Significance Overlay of the Bayside Planning Scheme
  • Investigating a municipal-wide framework for tree planting and protection.

Where are we up to?

On 30 May 2024, the Minister for Planning wrote to Council and advised that the Amendment has been approved with the following changes:

  • Amended schedule to Clauses 72.08 (Background Documents), 02.03-3 (Climate Change) and 1201.1L (Protection of biodiversity) for consistency with the Practitioner’s guide to Victoria’s planning schemes, March 2024.
  • Amended Clause 12.01-1L to reflect Council’s ownership of the Highett Grassy Woodlands by removing reference to the CSIRO site.
  • The proposed inclusion of ‘habitat corridors’ within the new strategy of Clause 12.01-1L Protection of biodiversity was not supported as it was not considered to comply with the application rules of the Practitioner’s Guide to Victoria’s Planning Schemes, March 2024.The amendment is required to introduce the objectives of Council’s Urban Forest Strategy 2022 – 2040 (Bayside City Council 2022) into the Bayside Planning Scheme. The Strategy aims to improve Bayside’s urban environment and responds to Council’s Climate Emergency declaration (2019) which recognises the consequences of climate change, and seeks to ameliorate its impacts, through the planting and protection of trees.

The Amendment came into effect when notice of its approval was published in the Victoria Government Gazette on Thursday 13 June 2024.

Where can I view the amendment documentation?

You can view all documents relating to the amendment free of charge via the amendments webpage of the Department of Transport and Planning and at Bayside Corporate Centre, 76 Royal Avenue, Sandringham, during office hours upon request.

Further information

For further information contact us using the details below:

Name: Ashka Munshi, Strategic Planner, Bayside City Council

Phone: (03) 9599 4393


Mail: Amendment C186, Bayside City Council, PO Box 27, Sandringham, VIC, 3191