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Request property information certificates

You can request property information under regulation 51 (1 or 2) of the Building Regulations 2018.

Regulation 51 (1)

A request under this regulation provides details of any:

  • permit or certificate of final inspection issued in the preceding 10 years
  • current notice or order issued by the relevant building surveyor under the Building Act.

Regulation 51 (2)

A request under this regulation provides details as to whether the land is in an area:

  • that is liable to flooding within the meaning of regulation 5 (2)
  • where a bushfire attack level has been specified in a planning scheme and as referred to in Part 11
  • that is in an area determined under regulation 152 to be likely to be subject to significant snowfalls
  • that is designated under regulation 150 as an area in which buildings are likely to be subject to attack by termites.
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Applicant details
Which regulation/s are you requesting information under?

Processing times

We will endeavour to process applications within 15 working days of receipt. Complex enquires may take longer.


Regulation fee
Regulation fees
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