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  • To end homelessness we need a plan.

    To end homelessness we need a plan

    Homelessness Week is a reminder to think about what having a home means. Being homeless can mean more than not having a roof over your head and is not just one typical experience. Every Australian deserves to have a home.

  • Approach to Council Chambers with view of stairs and blue sky behind

    Room or Zoom? Proposed format flexibility for Council meetings

    Reviewing our Governance Rules is an opportunity to improve how Council meetings are conducted and decisions are made.

  • Sustainably designed homes, Bright Street, Brighton

    Let’s go for zero

    Councils from across Victoria have joined forces to push for more sustainable design within the planning requirements.

  • Three women and two men volunteers standing at the Bayside Community Nursery surrounded by greenery

    Supporting volunteers in the community

    Bayside City Council adopts the Volunteer Recruitment, Retention and Recognition Plan 2022-2026

  • Blue sign with Pennydale Park written on it in white

    New neighbourhood name to recognise Pennydale’s proud past

    Pennydale will receive formal recognition as a neighbourhood following a committed renaming campaign by proud local residents, supported by Council.

  • Image of proposed site for Little Brighton Reserve Community Garden

    A garden to grow community connections

    There’s never been a better time to get into community gardening, especially if you live near or visit Little Brighton Reserve.

  • Illustration Mid Century Modern property

    Bayside’s Post-War Modern Residential Heritage Study

    59 individual properties, plus a group listing of eight properties are now proposed for inclusion in the Heritage Overlay with the adoption of Bayside’s Post-War Modern Residential Heritage Study.

  • Exterior Beaumaris Reserve Pavilion

    Beaumaris Reserve and Donald MacDonald Pavilions ready for game time

    Beaumaris Reserve Sports Pavilion and Donald MacDonald Pavilion ready for game time

  • Outdoor dining parklet with blue umbrellas

    Outdoor dining here to stay

    You told us you wanted outdoor dining Parklets to stay and hospitality businesses across Bayside are now invited to register their interest and determine eligibility to apply for a seasonal or permanent Parklet installation.

  • A turtle under the sea

    Rare snorkelling find

    Banksia Bulletin contributor, Michael Anderson, reflects on his recent snorkelling trip at the boundary of Ricketts Point Marine Sanctuary when he spotted a magnificent turtle before it slowly started to swim away.

  • Six adults and one baby smiling. They have Band-Aids on their arms and have recently received their vaccinations. The background is pink.

    COVID-19 testing

    Rapid antigen tests (RATs) are the easiest way to test for COVID-19.

  • Open House Melbourne 2022 - featuring photos of Bayside Gallery, Billilla, Bayside Council Chambers and Brighton Town Hall.

    See some of Bayside’s architectural gems as part of Open House Melbourne

    Join us on Open House Melbourne weekend (Saturday 30 – Sunday 31 July 2022) and see some of the architectural gems Bayside has to offer.