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Our underwater discoveries - Ricketts Point Marine Sanctuary

Banksia Bulletin contributors, siblings and snorkelling enthusiasts Amy and Rob share incredible underwater GoPro footage they captured in Bayside.

The following article is taken from the Banksia Bulletin - Autumn 2023 edition.
Words by Amy Weir

My brother Rob and I have recently been taking advantage of the relatively warm summer waters of the Bay and enjoying at least one snorkel each week within Ricketts Point Marine Sanctuary.

When conditions are favourable, we meet early on the beach and head out to explore one of our favourite snorkel sites at either Quiet Corner or Table Rock. It has become a fascinating, relaxing (and addictive) way to start the day.

With each dive, we have become more familiar with the underwater landscape and our local fishy friends. Rob and I would like to share a small snippet of some of the creatures we have discovered on our dives, captured on GoPro, that hopefully inspire you to explore our marine life for yourself 🐠 🤿

Read Banksia Bulletin Autumn 2023

If you see an injured or distressed marine animal, please contact the Marine Response Unit at 1300 245 678.

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