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New life for historic Cheltenham Station building

A historic Cheltenham Station building could have a new home in Cheltenham Park with Council giving preliminary support to a proposal from the Level Crossing Removal Project (LXRP) to deliver a new multi-purpose facility for the Bayside community.

As part of the Level Crossing Removal Project in Cheltenham, the nearby car park access to the existing Cheltenham Park Scout Hall was removed with temporary measures put in place.

Council has been working with the LXRP on a proposed solution for the Cheltenham Scout Hall being relocated and re-homed in one of the Cheltenham heritage station buildings that was disassembled as part of the Cheltenham Station redevelopment.

The solution proposed would involve the LXRP contributing $1 million to the cost of relocating and refurbishing the heritage station building into an upgraded community facility for the Cheltenham Scouts and wider Bayside community.

The first steps of this process will involve the completion of a feasibility study and community engagement process to inform and understand community support for the proposal prior to it progressing.

The announcement follows the recent opening of the brand-new Cheltenham Station with trains running in the new rail trenches and stopping at the station since mid-August.

Council will receive a report at a future Council meeting that outlines the outcomes of the feasibility study, community engagement and proposed project cost.

One side of the Cheltenham Station building being lifted away in early 2020.

One side of the Cheltenham Station building being lifted away in early 2020.