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Lights on for dogs this winter

Animated image of a person walking their dog at a sports ground at night time with the lights on. Kids in background playing on the oval.

Once again, we’re expanding the times where Baysider’s can exercise their dogs on sports grounds more safely at night.

The winter lighting program aims to provide Bayside dogs and their owners with dedicated access to two popular dog off-leash sportsgrounds one evening a week while the grounds are not being used for sport.

The lights will be on at: 

  • RJ Sillitoe Reserve, Hampton on Mondays, 5pm – 8pm (enter via Lawson Street)
  • RG Chisholm Reserve, Sandringham on Fridays, 5pm – 8pm

The winter lighting program will run between 3 June 2024 and 30 August 2024, and is a continued action of the Domestic Animal Management Plan 2022-26.

Please be responsible and respectful when exercising your dog and help to maintain the turf for community sports using these grounds.

  • Always maintain effective control.
  • Scoop the poop (and bin it)!
  • Don’t let your dog dig (holes are dangerous for people and pets).
  • Ask permission before approaching people or dogs.
  • Never let your dog run at or jump on others.
  • Put your dog back on leash if you need to.

For more information and to subscribe for program updates, visit the project page.

To find other local spots to exercise your dog, including the new Wishart Reserve dog park, check out our interactive walking your dog in Bayside map. Winter dog restrictions also began on 1 April, with more off-leash access for our four-legged friends on beach and foreshore areas through the colder months 🐶

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