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Information privacy request

You can use this form to request Adjoining Neighbour Property Owners Details under:

Building Regulations 2018 Part 7 – Protection of Adjoining Property

Use this option when you are required to serve Protection Works Documents to your neighbour/s.

Building Regulations 2018 Part 5 – Siting

Use this option when you need to obtain Adjoining Owners Comments for a Report and Consent application.

Both requests are usually completed within 10 working days.

I would like to request

Please read

Council’s Property Ownership Details are considered as personal information under Victoria’s Information Privacy Act 2000. Property Ownership Details will only be made available to an applicant where the municipal building surveyor has requested comments from adjoining or neighbouring property owner/s, for a matter requiring Council consent under Part 5 of the Building Regulations 2018. Applicants to whom property ownership details information is made available must make written assurance that all information gained will be handled securely and will only be used in conjunction with the notification of the adjoining or neighbouring property owner of proposed building works. No information obtained in relation to any specific address will be passed on to other parties for any other purpose. Please complete the following.

Please read

Council’s Property Ownership Details are considered as personal information under Victoria’s Information Privacy Act 2000. Property Ownership Details will only be made available to an applicant applying for a building permit where the building surveyor requires protection work notices to be served on the adjoining owner/s. Applicants to whom property ownership details information is made available must make written assurance that all information gained will be handled securely and will only be used in conjunction with Part 7 of the Building Act. No information obtained in relation to any specific address will be passed on to other parties for any other purpose. Please complete the following.

  • No information gained in relation to a specific address will be given to other parties.
  • No information gained will be used for any purpose other than to facilitate notification to the adjoining property owner of the requirement for a matter requiring Council consent under Part 5 of the Building Regulations 2018.
  • No information gained in relation to a specific address will be given to other parties.
  • No information gained will be used for any purpose other than to facilitate notification to the adjoining property owner of the requirement for protection works as per Part 7 of the Building Act 1993.
Applicant details
Applicant address
Bayside property address (where works will take place)
Start typing and select from list, e.g. 1/123 Street Name, Suburb.
Enter Bayside address manually (where works will take place)
How many addresses do you need owner's details for?

Please upload file with list of requested addresses

Details of property 1
Details of property 2
Details of property 3

Allowed file upload: one file only
File must be less than 30 MB
Allowed file types: txt rtf pdf doc docx odt ppt pptx odp xls xlsx ods
Total upload limit per form is 30 MB

Application fee (Part 5)
Application fee (Part 7)
Products / Services
Credit Card Information This payment form accepts Visa and Mastercard

Please note that your payment may not be updated on your account until the following business day and that Visa, MasterCard (0.755%) or American Express (0.62%) card payments will be subject to a surcharge.

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