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Tai Snaith: Hierarchy of needs

11 March – 7 May 2023

Installation view Tai Snaith: Hierarchy of needs 2023.
Installation view Tai Snaith: Hierarchy of needs 2023. Photo: Mark Ashkanasy.

Hierarchy of needs is an immersive exhibition by Melbourne artist and author Tai Snaith. Celebrating wild and interesting animals from around the world, this playful and educational exhibition explores the important roles these creatures play in Earth’s biodiversity.

Hierarchy of needs features animals from Tai’s latest picture book Wonders under the sun: a collection of daytime creatures, published by Thames and Hudson. In this book over 280 animals, from the tiniest pollinators to the heaviest giants, are classified into unusual and humorous groupings, from Legless Legends to Spotted Bottoms, and are presented alongside factual information on each species and their habitat.

For this exhibition, Tai will explore the different needs of her favourite animals ranging from food and water to play and work, inspired by the well-known pyramid of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, originally penned in 1943. Her series of collaged, hand-cut and painted artworks depict animals with meticulous detail, engaging viewers of all ages. In addition, the exhibition will feature an enormous mural, new animations and dioramas that bring the lives of animals to life in three-dimensions.

Hierarchy of needs will appeal to kids and adults alike, encouraging curiosity about animals and nature and the importance of looking after the environment, providing habitat and caring for country.

Meet the artist

Exhibition showing

11 March – 7 May 2023


Brighton Town Hall, Corner Carpenter and Wilson Streets, Brighton (entry on Wilson Street)

Phone: (03) 9261 7111

Opening hours

Bayside Gallery is open at the following times.

Wednesday - Friday 11am - 5pm

Saturday & Sunday 1pm - 5pm

The Gallery is closed on all Victorian Public holidays and in between exhibitions. Please review our exhibition dates before visiting.



Upcoming events


Hero banner: Installation view Tai Snaith: Hierarchy of needs 2023. Photo: Mark Ashkanasy.