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How to create a landscape plan

These landscape guidelines assist you in submitting a landscape plan with a planning application. It helps you understand when a landscape plan is required and what needs to be included.

If you are planning to build, renovate or develop your property you may be required to either protect the existing trees on your property or plant replacement trees and vegetation in accordance with the Bayside Planning Scheme. Development in residential areas needs to respond to the particular built form and natural environmental elements that make up the neighbourhood character of Bayside.

Bayside Landscape Guidelines 

Landscape guidelines section one

This section provides information about single tree removal and the VicSmart application process for when you want to remove vegetation from a protected area including:

  • any native vegetation from within the VPO3 which includes Black Rock, Beaumaris, Cheltenham (south of Park Road) and Sandringham (south side of Edward Street)
  • any tree (native or exotic) from the SLO which includes the parts of Coral Avenue and Point Avenue Beaumaris.

This section also provides information about replacement planting requirements, Universal guidelines for all tree application types, and information about accompanying reports such as arborist reports.

Landscape guidelines section two

This section provides information requirements for planning applications to build or renovate. This includes:

  • Planting requirements and ratios for development
  • Planting Ratios
  • Replacement planting areas

Landscape guidelines Appendix 1 - Example replacement landscape plan

This section provides an example of a landscape plan for when you are required to replace a tree or other vegetation on a site under Section 1 of the guidelines.

Landscape guidelines Appendix 2 - Example plans

This section provides examples demonstrating the information you need to include in your landscape plan for when you are planning to build or renovate either within or outside of the VPO or SLO areas including:

  • a single dwelling on a block under 300m2
  • low density and dual occupancy development 
  • development of 3 or more dwellings on a lot

Landscape guidelines Appendix 3 - Species list

This section provides an in-depth species list of Indigenous, native, and exotic vegetation species to assist in achieving appropriate and suitable landscape planting on your site. The species list includes:

  • large canopy trees
  • medium canopy trees
  • small canopy trees
  • medium to large shrubs
  • small shrubs
  • grasses and tussocks
  • groundcovers and wildflowers
  • climbers

Landscape guidelines Appendix 4 - Soil volume

This section provides information into soil volume, ratios and infographics to help you with determining the best species and planting locations for the vegetation on your site. The lack of soil volume accounts for most tree survival problems so following this guide will help you optimise your landscape to its greatest potential.

Landscape guidelines Appendix 5 - Tree Assessment Criteria

This section provides insight into the criteria utilised during tree assessment. It outlines each category and its definition and value for each term. These categories include:

  • Health
  • Structure
  • Amenity Value
  • Useful Life Expectancy (ULE)
  • Retention Value
  • Habitat Value