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2023 Young People of Bayside Art Exhibition winners

2023 Award Winners

The theme for the 2023 exhibition was ‘Breaking the Mould’. Breaking the mould is about challenging norms, pushing boundaries, and celebrating diversity.

As an artist, it’s about taking risks and experimenting with new techniques, mediums, and forms. This year’s Young People of Bayside Art Awards challenges young people to break the mould and create something truly extraordinary, to let their creativity run wild and celebrate diversity through art.  

Find out about the Young People of Bayside Art Exhibition 2024

Congratulations to the winners and runner up for Young People of Bayside Art Awards 2023

Drawing of a cat with wings - Young People of Bayside Art Awards 2023 - Abby P 10 to 13 year old winner

Younger years 10 - 13 category

First prize

Abby P, 11, ‘Winged Angel’, Pastel pencil

Description: This painting is about an angel and her feet are on heaven, so I wrote a poem about it to describe her patience.

“In the forest of my mind, a white cat I see,
With wings that stretch out, wild and free,
Her spirit soars just like my own,
Together we dance, we’re never alone.
As we celebrate life in all its form
Our souls intertwined, forever reborn.”

Judge’s comments: ‘Beautiful, imaginative artwork that uses the medium well. Great colours and frames nicely’

Paining of a bird on a branch - Young People of Bayside Art Awards 2023 by Willa D 10 to 13 year old Runner Up

Younger years 10 - 13 category

Runner up

Willa D, 10, ‘Patterned Bird’, Watercolours, acrylic paint, chalk pastel

Description: The bird has layers of colours and stencilled patterns, making it one of a kind.

Judge’s comments: ‘Lovely use of bright colours with a relationship to nature and local animals. Well framed and great use of techniques’

Paining of a dark and stormy landscape with clouds and a dead tree - Young People of Bayside Art Awards, Ellissa R 14 to 17 Award Winner

Middle years 14 – 17 category

First prize

Elissa R, 16, ‘Space’, Oil on canvas.

Description: My work is about freeing yourself from the mould, to explore the daunting but beautiful wonders of the world.

Judge’s comments: ‘Interesting use of earth tones in a technically skilled oil painting. Composition is balanced and evoked a sense of wonder and mystery. A great scale, which also contrasted nicely with ‘the stare’.’

Charcoal drawing of a face with elongated neck and bust - Young People of Bayside Art Awards 2023, Ashton W  - 14 to 17 year old runner up

Middle years 14 – 17 category

Runner up

Ashton W, 17, ‘Apathy’, Pastels, charcoal and graphite on paper.

Description: My work 'APATHY', explores the complex and debilitating nature of trauma. The worn paper demonstrates the exhaustion experienced in breaking free from the constraints of trauma, and in contrast, the warmth held in the figure's eyes expresses hope.

Judge’s comments: ‘Sophisticated subject matter technically advanced and strong emotions communicated well through the chosen medium.’

Abstract painting including a scull, a car wheel, Sydney opera house. Mac. Young People of Bayside Art Exhibition winner.

Open age category 18 – 25 category

First Prize

Ellen C, 19, ‘Just Around the Corner’, Acrylic.

Description: This painting depicts my siblings rushing down the stairs to a waterfall that is around the corner of the painting in Western Victoria showing beauty is everywhere.

Judges comments: ‘Nicely balanced composition. Great use of pointelist technique and intimate scale drew us in. Nicely framed and relatable scenery.’

Black and gold scuplture of man-like three figurines. Maxim Blokker. Young People of Bayside Art Exhibition winner.

Open age category 18 – 25 category

Runner up

Maxim B, 21, ‘Manifestation Man’, Clay sculpture cast in resin with acrylic paint.

Description: My artwork represents the true power of manifesting your own reality, by recognising the present moment as a projection of your consciousness. It depicts a man creating himself within his own mind projecting who he is.

Judges comments: 'Interesting combination of materials and use of metallic colours. Strong relationship with art historical contexts and movements.'


View the other past winners:

2022 Young People of Bayside Art Exhibition winners

2021 Young People of Bayside Art Exhibition winners

2020 Young People of Bayside Art Exhibition winners

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