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R.J Sillitoe Reserve Pavilion Renewal

What's included with the upgrade?

The renewal is part of Council’s Sportsground Pavilion Improvement Plan to deliver fit for purpose community infrastructure across the municipality.

The two existing pavilions will be demolished and replaced with a single environmentally sustainable building that reflects the changing needs of community sport. 

The facilities will support players of all genders and abilities and provide shelter for spectators and general reserve users.

How can the community access the building?

While the sports pavilion will primarily support community sport, this beautifully designed building will be available for broader community access (conditions of use apply) between 7am and 3.30pm weekdays to ensure maximum use by our community, with requests for access processed via Council’s Recreation and Events team.

What sustainability features will be included?

The proposed pavilion responds to Bayside’s declaration of a climate emergency and features solar panels, expansive windows to maximise use of natural light for heating during the winter months, electric appliances and water heating systems to reduce reliance on natural gas, sensor lighting and water tanks. Use of sustainable building materials and finishes will be utilised to enhance our environmentally conscious pavilion. 

Are there any landscaping improvements planned?

The proposal pavilion provides additional buffer between abutting residents and the pavilion to improve residential amenity and will be landscaped as part of project delivery.

Will there be any impact on trees?

The planning of this pavilion carefully managed the protection of vegetation at the reserve, with two trees identified for removal.  Trees will be replaced, and further planting undertaken to improve Bayside’s tree canopy and enhance the reserve. This action aligns with Bayside Council Plan – Goal 1 Our Planet.

As custodians, we will lead, act and advocate on the critical issues of environmental sustainability and Climate Emergency, and on our shared responsibility to care for and protect Earth’s viability, diversity, beauty and the community of life.

Where will the new pavilion be located and what will it look like?

We've uploaded the site plan and artists impression of the new building below and uploaded an animation above to give you a sense of what's in store.

What is the project timeline?

It is proposed that construction works will commence in early 2022 with an expected construction period of 18 months.

How will the construction affect the park?

Temporary public toilets will be provided to service casual users of the reserve throughout the construction period.

There may be periods of time where sections of the sportsgrounds are closed to ensure a safe construction zone. Residents will be advised of any impacts following awarding of the successful building contractor.